Thu, May 25
Join Us at the Capitol and SPEAK UP FOR ANIMALS!

Time & Location
May 25, 2023, 2:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Hartford, Connecticut State Capitol, 210 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106, USA
About the event
Calling All Animal advocates – Join Us at the Capitol
Thursday, May 25, Tuesday, May 30 and Wednesday May 31
Bring a friend and come anytime between 2:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The legislative session ends on June 7 and there are a lot of animal bills still waiting to be passed. Please join us on any of the three days and let legislators know animals matter. There’s power in numbers and the animals are counting on us to help them.
We will be talking to legislators about the following bills:
HB 5575 – Municipal Animal Shelter Regulations
HB 6615 – Dog Racing (Greyhounds)
HB 6714 – Cruelty to Animals
HB 6481 – Ban the Release Outdoors of Helium Balloons
HB 6484 – Ban the Killing of Horseshoe Crabs
Support with strengthening amendment
SB 962 – Prohibition on 2nd Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides
HB 6726 – Factory Farming and Slaughter of Rabbits
SB 1148 – Bear bill
Pick a day and time convenient to you and stay as long as you can. You will want to talk with your state senator and representative while at the Capitol so look them up here: https://www.cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp
If you come at 2:30 meet us outside Room 1A in the Legislative Office Building; we’ll be there for an hour and then walk over to the Capitol to start talking with legislators. We will have handouts and stickers.
If you arrive after 3:30 and need directions on where to find us at the Capitol, call or text Jo-Anne Basile 202-309-3730 and/or Annie Hornish 860-966-1819 and we will help guide you to the right place.
If you have questions, please contact any of the participating organizations:
- CT Votes for Animals – info@ctvotesforanimals.org
- The Humane Society of the United States–CT State Director ahornish@humanesociety.org
- Desmond’s Army - Desmondsarmy.ct@gmail.com
- Friends of Animals – nrivard@friendsofanimals.org
- GREY2K USA Worldwide - christine@grey2kusa.org
- House Rabbit Connection – Marlene@hopline.org