CT Votes for Animals 2023 Legislative Scorecard for the Animals is a record of how CT’s State Legislators voted on bills that CVA identified as priorities or otherwise believed had a significant impact on animals in the state.
2023 was a banner year for legislation affecting animals. The sheer number of bills that advanced in 2023 can be seen through the Scorecard’s three categories: 2023 Wins for the Animals – good bills that passed and bad bills that were stopped; Unfinished Business – CVA priorities that almost made it over the finish line but didn’t -- we hope these bills will come back next session. And last, a separate category for Bears because the issue is complicated and remains important.
The Scorecard is a form of accountability that helps you know your state legislator better and where they stand on key animal concerns. We hope you will use the Scorecard to engage with your state legislator about the issues important to you today and to help advocate for issues next session. CVA believes information is key to better policy and we believe the Scorecard offers one more tool to help you “Speak Up for Animals”.