CVA envisions a future where all animals live in peace under the protection of strong laws
You can still send in a written statement and be counted as those who oppose SB 1148, a bill to legalize a lottery to hunt black bears in CT and SB 1149 to remove restrictions and allow hunting everyday of the week. Even though the hearing was March 10, the Committee is still receiving written statements.
At the hearing we heard DEEP support a bear hunt and legislation to expand Sunday hunting. DEEP led the way along with hunters and others who believe slaughtering CT's black bears is the answer to the state's bear population. DEEP also strongly supported SB 1149 to allow hunting of deer and other animals by any means (guns and bow & arrow) on Sundays on either private or public lands.
The hunters have flooded the committee with testimony. Please send in your statement to protect our bears and other wildlife.
Use the link below and follow the steps to submit a written statement. Here are a few talking points to use but legislators want to hear from people using their own voice so please write your concerns in your own words.
I am a resident of (name your town) CT and I am horrified (alamed, disappointed or other) that the legislature is considering legalizing a hunt of CT's native black bears.
I want to live harmoniously with CT's wildlife. It's why I chose to live in CT.
There are bears in my community and we take pride that we can co-exist peacefully.
Studies show that hunting does not reduce human-bear conflicts. Rather these conflicts decline when food sources like trash and bird feeders are removed.
This is not a bear problem but a human problem. In communities with effective "Bear Smart" programs, interactions are drastically reduced.
CT residents want humane resolutions to interactions with wildlife. We do not want to hunt our native black bears.
There are well proven solutions that focus on community based public education and requirements to keep food attractants out of reach of bears and other wildlife.
DEEP needs to offer more education programs and set up "bear smart" programs before they pull the trigger on our bears.
Please support these proven strategies and oppose the bear hunt in SB 1148.
Further, please oppose SB 1149.
I spend many weekends with family and friends walking in CT's woods and enjoying the abundance of wildlife.
CT residents deserve at least one day a week to walk CT woods in peace and without the fear of being hit by stray hunting bullets or more.
To submit testimony: Click on this link to submit written testimony to the Environment Committee. Follow the prompts in the form and select March 10, 11:30 hearing date and hold down the shift key to select SB1148 and SB 1149 for the bill numbers. Select that you oppose the bills. You can write a short statement in the box provided or upload a separate document for your testimony. Don't forget to click your opposition to the bills, that you are not a robot, and hit submit testimony.
Let the Environment Committee know CT residents don't want a bear hunt and we want peace on Sundays. Please take action and submit a written statement today.
Thank you for Speaking Up for Animals
Jo-Anne Basile
Executive Director
Below is some helpful guidance