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CT Votes for Animals relies on generous donations from caring people to fund our work at the CT General Assembly advocating for policies to protect all of CT's animals. *


Be a champion for Connecticut’s animals.  Give generously to guarantee that CVA can continue its strong advocacy for enactment of humane laws and generate the public support  all animals in CT deserve. Remember strong laws save lives.

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Recurring or monthly donations is an easy way to give generously to CVA while spreading  your gift over time.


Memorial or Tribute gifts offer an opportunity to remember a loved one while also helping CVA make needed policy changes to protect CT animals.  

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When you make a bequest to Connecticut Votes for Animals (CVA), you join like-minded people who care deeply about the safety and protection of domestic, farmed and wild animals. Your bequest is your legacy to the animals. 

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The Cornerstone Giving Society honors our most generous donors, who form the foundation of the organization with a gift of $250 or more  annually.

*CVA is a non-profit 501c4 which enables us to lobby for animals but does not allow contributions to be tax deductible. 


PO Box 1012, Bloomfield, CT 06002

Connecticut Votes for Animals is a not-for-profit 501(c)(4) organization.

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